Xa’ureme J. Jesus Candelario Cosio

Wixarika, Teacher, Activist, Human Rights Defensor, Indigenous Rights Defensor

Candelario was born on Santa Catarina Cuexcomatitlan, Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico on September 22nd 19672.

Since 1990, Candelario has worked to preserve, protect and defend the Wixarika Culture and Mother Earth. This includes their tribal communities, sacred territories and traditions.

He has worked on the revitalization of Indigenous rights on local, national and international levels by advising and collaborating with groups through their societal struggles.

His work pursue the international acknowledgement and recognition of projects aimed at promoting actions for the defense and improvement of the environment, solidarity of the pueblos, human rights, spiritual defense and sustainable social development through the preservation of traditions.

In 1992 he was part of the oficial Committee sent to the UN on behalf of the defense of the Sacred territories of the International Indigenous Tribes being part of the Indigenous Rights Round Table, working with governments representatives of different countries, indigenous liters, experts on indigenous laws and human rights.

From 1993 to 2004 he was part of the International Decade of Indigenous Populations in the World, where they reviewed and analyzed the draft of indigenous law. This draft was adopted by the Mexican state and was used as part of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.